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顯示具有 機器人 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章

2013年8月9日 星期五

Easy and Simple Arduino Robot Arm

by martzsam
Hello fellow iblers!

This is to serve as a small guide to replicating my most recent project; an Arduino based robotic arm.

First off I would like to acknowledge the help of Instructables user steveastrouk for getting me started on the programming, and my good friend Sean Ulrich for spending 6 hours debugging this thing with me.

Do to a technology failure I don't have any of the progress pictures otherwise this would be a full ible, I apologize for the inconvenience and hope that I supply enough information here to help get you on your way. So let's get started!

Here is a list of parts I used:

1x Arduino Uno
4x Large Servo
1x Medium Servo
1x Robotic Claw
1x Small Breadboard
4x Potentiometer
2x Toggle Switch
1x Battery Case for 4 D-cells (6v)
1x Arduino Battery Clip
~2 square feet of birch plywood 1/8' thickness
1/2 inch diameter basswood dowels
2x 1'x1'x3' blocks of basswood
~2.5 lbs of lead beads
5x servo wire extensions
Some decent compression spring to keep the load off of the servos when fully extended
Some kind of enclosure (I used tin boxes I bought at Michael's)

And an absolute buttload of hot glue.

The Code is attached as a txt file.

Please take not of the footnotes on the pictures for more details.

EDIT: Here is a video-

robot arm.txt970 bytes

2013年7月29日 星期一

酒保機器人! 開瓶.端咖啡難不倒

  你知道現在的機器人有多先進嗎?日本現在最新的科技可以讓機器人自己開瓶倒果汁、端咖啡和爬樓梯,動作相當精準,現場的高超技術,讓人看了相當驚嘆,推著餐車 走出來,緩緩走向桌子,接著拿起,左邊的綠色杯子,用手指頭 抓緊杯蓋,精準的旋轉開來,把裡頭的果汁,一滴不漏倒進紙杯當中。
   它的手幾乎跟人一模一樣,主人交代一下,雙手立刻抬上來,端起咖啡,走向觀眾檯前 平穩的放在桌上,手的關節已經開發的相當完全,至於腳呢,看著機器人左一步右一步,走上樓梯,下台時來個黃金右腳,漂亮一球 驕傲的叉起腰來,最後還大跳機械舞,似乎在感謝觀賞下台一鞠躬,機器人的可愛模樣,讓所有觀眾為之著迷,日本的機器人科技,又邁前了一大步。

機器人酒保 呼乾啦

機械電子工程師、仿生機器人公司老闆薛佛(Ben Schaefer)研發製造的仿生機器人酒保「卡爾」(Carl),不但能在德國東部城鎮伊爾默瑙(Ilmenau)的機器人酒吧調雞尾酒,還能跟客人聊上兩句,堪稱全能調酒師。有不少觀光客慕卡爾名號而來,酒吧成為當地熱門景點之一。圖為薛佛26日與正在為客人調酒的「卡爾」互動。(圖︰路透/文︰國際新聞中心)

2013年7月25日 星期四

How to build a toilet-flushing Lego robot

By  posted Sep 28th, 2007 at 8:12 AM
Tired of flushing your own toilet? Build a RoboFlush! RoboFlush is a simple Lego NXT Mindstorms Robot designed to flush a toilet automatically. It also comes with a manual flush option! Check out these instructions to build your own. Mike D'Amour came up with the idea, and Will Gorman built and documented RoboFlush.

How much do you know about Lego Robotics? Take the Lego Mindstorm Quiz


The Video:

The Flusher:

The flusher is mounted under the toilet bowl cover for the extra weight. Flushing requires no gearing, the NXT motor is strong enough to flush every time.

The NXT and Manual Flush:

The program for this robot is a little complicated in the NXT graphical language. It would be much simpler to understand in a traditional language like Java.

The Ultrasonic Sensor:

The ultrasonic sensor waits till it detects someone in range, then waits till that person is out of range. A polite thank you, and then flush!

The Lucky Toilet:  


2013年7月23日 星期二



Lego Mindstorms NXT Scorpion (kits 9797 + 9695)

Lego Mindstorms NXT Robot Arm (kits 9797 + 9695)

LEGO 360° Milling Machine

LEGO 3D Milling Machine AMAZING!

Lego Mindstorms NXT Ball Roller Coaster (kits 9797+ 9695)

2009 日本國際食品工業展 FOOMA JAPAN


LEGO可自動分類 樂高迷恨到口水流

game of life with 8x8 bicolor led matrix

I recently got one of those 8x8 LED matrices and I was playing with some Game of Life patterns when I found this pretty repeating pattern. I found it by starting with some random patterns. If you look closely you can see the pattern becoming a mirrored version of itself halfway through. Apparently the pattern doesn't repeat like this on an infinite grid but on this wrapping 8x8 grid it does ;-) FYI, the LED matrix is a bicolor one (green/red) and has an I2C interface ( I'm using the colors as follows: - newly created cells are green - cells that are at least 10 generations old are red - other living cells are yellow (simultaneously green+red) It's hookup up to my Arduino Uno r3. here's a video:Youtube

I recently got one of those 8x8 LED matrices and I was playing with some Game of Life patterns when I found this pretty repeating pattern. I found it by starting with some random patterns. If you look closely you can see the pattern becoming a mirrored version of itself halfway through. Apparently the pattern doesn't repeat like this on an infinite grid but on this wrapping 8x8 grid it does ;-)
FYI, the LED matrix is a bicolor one (green/red) and has an I2C interface ( I'm using the colors as follows:
- newly created cells are green
- cells that are at least 10 generations old are red
- other living cells are yellow (simultaneously green+red)
It's hookup up to my Arduino Uno r3.
here's a video:
#include "Adafruit_LEDBackpack.h"
#include "Adafruit_GFX.h"
boolean cells[8][8];
Adafruit_BicolorMatrix matrix = Adafruit_BicolorMatrix();
// game of life
int next[8][8];
void setup() {
for (int r=0 ; r<8 r="" span="">
for (int c=0 ; c<8 c="" span="">
if (random(2) >0)
next[r][c] = 1;
matrix.begin(0x70); // pass in the address
void loop() {
int current[8][8] =
{ {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} };
int mod(int a) { return (a+8)%8; }
void game_of_life() {
// draw
for (int r=0 ; r<8 r="" span="">
for (int c=0 ; c<8 c="" span="">
int color;
if (next[r][c] == 0)
color = 0;
else if (next[r][c] == 1)
color = LED_GREEN;
else if (next[r][c] > 10)
color = LED_RED;
color = LED_YELLOW;
// calc next state
for (int r=0 ; r<8 r="" span="">
for (int c=0 ; c<8 c="" span="">
// count alive neighbors
int alive = 0;
alive += current[mod(r+1)][mod(c) ] != 0;
alive += current[mod(r) ][mod(c+1)] != 0;
alive += current[mod(r-1)][mod(c) ] != 0;
alive += current[mod(r) ][mod(c-1)] != 0;
alive += current[mod(r+1)][mod(c+1)] != 0;
alive += current[mod(r-1)][mod(c-1)] != 0;
alive += current[mod(r+1)][mod(c-1)] != 0;
alive += current[mod(r-1)][mod(c+1)] != 0;
if (current[r][c])
if (alive < 2 || alive > 3)
next[r][c] = 0;
next[r][c] = current[r][c] + 1;
if (alive == 3)
next[r][c] = 1;
for (int r=0 ; r<8 r="" span="">
for (int c=0 ; c<8 c="" span="">
current[r][c] = next[r][c];